CrossFit East River – WOD
4 Sets, Through
:20 seconds on, :10 seconds off
– Walking Inchworm to Hollow Body
– Hollow Rocks
– Wall Walk to Handstand Hold
– Scapular Pull-Ups
“Hakuna Matata” (3 Rounds for time)
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
60ft (18m) Handstand Walk
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
15 Strict Pull-Ups
40ft (9m) Handstand Walk
20 V-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Goal: 4:45-6:15
Score: Total Working Time
RPE: 8/10
Primary Objective: Go Big for Big Sets on Pull-Ups
Secondary Objective: Consistency on Handstand Walk
[Hakuna Matata: Levels] (3 Rounds for time)
Level 2
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
30ft (8m) Handstand Walk
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
15ft (4m) Handstand Walk
20 V-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
Level 1:
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
3 Wall Walks
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Strict Banded Pull-Ups
2 Wall Walks
20 V-Ups
5 Strict Banded Pull-Ups
Masters 55+:
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
30ft (8m) Handstand Walk
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
15ft (4m) Handstand Walk
20 V-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
Competitor / Rx+:
Active Recovery Options
Big Class Option
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
6 Wall Walks
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
15 Strict Pull-Ups
4 Wall Walks
20 V-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Travel / Hotel / Limited Equipment
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
6 Wall Walks
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
15 Strict Pull-Ups
4 Wall Walks
20 V-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
PRVN Recovery #2
1:00 Childs Pose
1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch
1:00/1: 00 Scorpion Stre tch
:30/: 30 Thread the Needle Stre tch
5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
3-4 Sets, For Quality
10 Weighted Russian Twists
10/10 Three Point Dumbbell Row
10-15 second Extended GHD Supine Hold