Rx: 2500. // S: 1500 Knees or to elevated target
-Cumulative in the whole month
Monday:Strength/Weightlifting: Barbell Cycling Technique and Primer
Couplet: Clean and Jerks + Toe to Bar
Tuesday:Strength: Back Squat 8-8-6-6-Max
Triplet: Shuttle Run + Goblet Squats + Burpees to Target
Wednesday:Strength Superset: Ring Muscle-Up Progressions
Triplet /Double Unders + Kettlebell Snatch + Ring Muscle-Ups
Thursday: Row, Strict Press + Overhead Hold, Single Dumbbell Step-Overs, core
Friday:Weightlifting / Strength: Snatch Pulls + Snatch Singles
Triplet: Wall Balls, Deadlifts, High Box Jumps
Saturday:Partner Workout: Row + Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Double Unders
Sunday:Skill/ Gymnastics : Handstand Walks
Row + Kettlebell Swing + Run + Handstand Walk
Monday: Strength/Weightlifting: Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3
Toe to Bar + Row + Overhead Squat + Burpee
Tuesday: Chest to Bar Tips
#TEAMPRVN TUESDAY: 15:00 AMRAP: Triplet of Ground to Overhead + Chest to Bar Pull-Ups + Box Jumps
Triplet: Dumbbell Bench Press + Air Squat + Run, Run + Wall Walk + Double Unders
Weightlifting: Power Clean 4 x 3.3 TnG Reps
Couplet: Bar Facing Burpees + Deadlifts
Skill Focus: Barbell Cycling : Thrusters
Row + Thrusters
3 Person Team Triplet: Run + Abmat Sit-Ups + Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
Strength EMOM: Bench Press + Bent Over Barbell Row
Metcon: 3 Sets x 2:00 on / 1:00 off Devils Press + Strict Pull-Ups
Accessory Work: Core Finisher
🫖 ♟️ Tea / Coffee & Board / Card Games:
- Sunday 1pm
- At CFER Gym
CrossFit East River – WOD
“Awake” (Time)
Each For Time
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
20 Air Squats
200m Run – 250/200 Row
Rest 5:00 minutes
5 Rounds
200m Run – 250/200 Row
3 Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
Dumbbells: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Wall Walks to 10’’ Line from the Wall
Score = Sum Total Time
Record Each Time Interval / Piece
Time Domain : 10:00-13:00 / Set
Total Running Time: 25:00-31:00
Time Cap 15:00 / Set
Time Cap : 35:00
Stimulus: Aerobic Stamina and Muscular Endurance
RPE: 7-7.5/10
For the first segment , keep the Dumbbell Bench Press unbroken or split into two quick sets if needed to avoid burnout in later rounds. Move at a steady, controlled pace on the Air Squats to prepare for the run, which should be moderate but consistent across all rounds. Avoid sprinting the 200m run in earlier rounds to preserve energy.
In the second segment , pace the run similarly to the first piece. For Wall Walks, focus on efficient transitions and maintaining proper shoulder positioning and straight arms to avoid excessive fatigue. Look to go unbroken on Double-Unders or break into manageable sets with minimal rest between attempts, prioritizing rhythm and breathing.
[Levels: Awake] (2 Rounds for time)
Level 2:
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
20 Air Squats
200m Run
Rest 5:00 minutes
5 Rounds
200m Run
3 Wall Walks
30 Double Unders
Dumbbells: 35/25lb, 15/12kg
Wall Walks to 20’’ From the Wall
Level 1:
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
15 Air Squats
200m Run
Rest 5:00 minutes
5 Rounds
200m Run
3 Wall Walks
50 Single Unders
Dumbbells: 25/15lb, 12/7kg
Wall Walks to 30’’ From the Wall
Competitor / Rx+:
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
15 Dumbbell Goblet Squats
200m Run
Rest 5:00 minutes
5 Rounds
200m Run
5 Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
Dumbbells: 70/50lb, 32/22.5kg
Wall Walks to 10’’ Line from the Wall
Masters 55+:
Same as Level 2
Big Class:
Start Athletes on Different Stations in order to allow for the Dumbbells to be utilized between the two groups. If needed, start athletes on a 1:00 delay to ensure that enough dumbbell stations are available.
Travel / Hotel Gym:
As prescribed
PRVN Recovery #2
1:00 Childs Pose
1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch
1:00/1: 00 Scorpion Stre tch
:30/: 30 Thread the Needle Stre tch
5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations
Optional Accessories (No Measure)
4-5 Sets: For Quality
5-7 Piked HSPU or 6-8 Tall Kneeling Dual Dumbbell Press
14 Seated Banded Rows