πͺ π Pump Sesh Paused For The Summer:
- Will have one here and there
- Saturday Sept 21.
- Social / BBQ with Bar Cabinet (next door)
- Male / Female Partners (let us know if interested but don’t have a partner)
- $40 person (for prizes, coffee, social, and coaches)
CrossFit East River – WOD
For Quality
5:00 AMRAP
:30 second Echo
3/3 World’s Greatest Stretch
10 Cat Cows
5/5 Adductor Rock Backs
“Sticks and Stones” (Time)
12 Rounds for Time, Alternating Rounds (6 each)
9/7 Calorie Bike (Echo / Assault / Bike Erg)
7 Box Get Overs 40”
5 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lb, 68/45 kg or 7 Dual Kettlebell Dead-Stop Cleans 53/35lb, (24/16kg)
*This will be 5 rounds each. One partner will hit the Echo, right into the Get Overs and then tackle the Sandbag Cleans before tagging their partner to hit the next round. We are looking for both partners to hit 6 rounds here
Goal: 24:00-30:00
Time Cap: 30:00
Stimulus: Lactate Endurance / Power Output
RPE: 7/10
Primary Objective: Complete the workout with your partner round for round in about 2:00 minutes per round with a total working time of 24:00-30:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Build pace across all sets. Remember this is 6 sets of equal work and equal rest.
[Stickes and Stones: Levels] (Time)
Level 2
12 Rounds for Time, Alternating Rounds (6 each)
9/7 Calorie Bike (Echo / Assault / Bike Erg)
7 Box Get Overs 30”
5 Sandbag Cleans 120/80lb, 54/36kg or 7 Dual Kettlebell Dead-Stop Cleans 44/26lb, 20/12kg
Level 1:
12 Rounds for Time, Alternating Rounds (6 each)
7/5 Calorie Bike (Echo / Assault / Bike Erg)
5 Box Get Overs 24”
5 Power Cleans @ 60% of 1RM
Masters 55+:
12 Rounds for Time, Alternating Rounds (6 each)
9/7 Calorie Bike (Echo / Assault / Bike Erg)
7 Box Get Overs 30”
5 Sandbag Cleans 100/70lb, 45/32kg or 7 Dual Kettlebell Dead-Stop Cleans 35/18lb, 16/8kg
Competitor / Rx+:
Off Day
Big Class Option
Choose Any Machine and have Power Cleans @ 60-70% as alternative to the sandbag clean if you donβt have enough bags, KBβs or DBβs
Travel / Hotel / Limited Equipment: Solo
6 Sets, For Time
9/7 Calorie Bike (Echo / Assault / Bike Erg)
7 Get Over Odd Object or Wall or Fence
9 Dual Dumbbell Cleans 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Rest 1:1
PRVN Yoga Flow
2 Rounds
Right Leg + Left Leg
:15 second Down Dog
:30 second Low Lunge
:15 second Elbow to Knee and Rotate
:15 second Reach to Sky and Hold
:30 second Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
:30 second Pigeon
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
3-4 Sets, For for Load
5 Barbell Good Mornings @ 31×1 Tempo
10 Weighted Hanging Strict Knee Raises