CrossFit East River – WOD
1: Kelly (Time)
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps, 24” / 20”
30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
Your workout of the day!
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps, 24” / 20”
30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
5 Rounds for max reps
0:30 of max KB Swings – Russian 53/35
0:30 of rest
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball Shots (Reps), 20#
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps), 75#
Box Jumps, 20″ (Reps)
Push-press (Reps), 75#
Row (Calories)
1-minute rest
Thrusters, 95# / 65#
With a partner:
50 OHS 135/95
50 calories
40 OHS
40 cals
30 OHS
30 cals
20 OHS
20 cals
10 OHS
10 cals
20-minute time cap
One person works at a time
Break up the work evenly
Can split the work anyhow (25 at a time, 10 at a time, et al)
3 Rounds
10 Power Snatches 95/65
10 Pullups
600m Run
Rx+ – 115/75, 5 rounds.
4 Rounds for total reps of
2 minutes on of:
30 Thrusters 75/55
Max Double Unders
2 minutes off.
2 minutes on of:
30 Wall Balls 20/14
Max calories on rower
2 minutes off.
15 minute AMRAP:
30 situps
30 shoulder taps, alternating
30 Overhead walking lunge steps (in place!), alternating, 115/75
5-Minute AMRAP of:
Squat Clean, 165# / 110#
Jerk, 165# / 110#
3 Rounds for quality
250m Row
20 Push-ups
20 KB Snatches 53/35 (10l/10r)
rest 2 minutes