CrossFit East River – WOD
Strength & Skill (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM: (:30 / :30) – (10min)
m1: C2B / Pull-ups
m2:6-8 Pistols / Candlestick to 1 or 2 leg squat
A) 1-5 Strict / Deficit
B) 1-3 Negatives
– Athletes can choose to work on strength or skill.
Partner WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
10 AMRAP: Waterfall style
20 KB Goblet Walking Lunge Steps
5 TTB / Hang Knee Raises
20 SA KB Push Press (10/10)
5 C2B / Pull-ups
s: 35/26
x: 53/35
Waterfall style:
Partner 1 will begin and Partner 2 must wait until Partner 1 has completed the lunges.
Partner 2 cannot move on until partner 1 has finished theTTB and etc.