You guessed it!
If you had your money on burpees and thrusters, congratulations.
Your workout of the day!
You guessed it!
If you had your money on burpees and thrusters, congratulations.
We’re really excited to announce that our first Barbell Basics class is THIS SUNDAY at 11am! (No yoga this week.) Heather from Next Level Weightlifting will be here for an awesome Oly lifting session.
Heather was introduced to Olympic weightlifting through CrossFit, qualified for Nationals during her first Olympic weightlifting meet, and now works with coach Arthur Drechsler.
Members, Barbell Basics is included as part of your membership – sign up when the class opens for reservations! **Please only plan on attending one class Sunday, either SweatRiver or Barbell Basics. You should show up to BB fresh.**
You guys know what’s coming 🙂
#SweatRiver, aka whatever magic Coach Sarah has planned for the day!
9 minute EMOM
2 Cleans, 2 Split Jerks, 2 Bastards
STO 95/65
Box Jumps 24″/20″
1) We’re having another yoga class with Sara today at 1230pm! We know this was a last-minute schedule addition (although an amazing one), so it’s a FREE class for any member wishing to attend! Just sign up through MBO. And check out Sara’s site.
2) BYOR (bring your own rope) today, or treat what jump ropes we have left with some love. We’ve really beaten them up the past 10 months. (This means you should NOT tie up the ropes at the ends or in the middle.)
Death by BW Back Squats (or appropriate scale)
These will be done at 90s intervals instead of on the minute
Compare to 17JAN14
50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 reps of:
Only one more WOD and the 2014 Open is over! So, what happens next?
We’re going to go into a reset mode in the second week of April. Part of this reset will be implementing our Barbell Basics Program . Barbell Basics will both be a class offering that focuses solely on Olympic Weightlifting as well as a certification program. You will not be allowed to make max effort attempts on lifts until you have been certified in the specific lift.
Starting tomorrow we are going to begin a two-week grace period to allow everyone the opportunity to get certified before our reset phase. You’ll have at least two if not more chances to become certified on each of the four lifts before you’ll see a 1RM come up for the lift.
We’re not looking for absolute perfection in the lifts. As coaches we want to make sure you can safely perform the lift without any major flaws before giving you a green light to max. To phrase it another way: quarter squats and sumo-stance snatches are not going to fly. Not that every have.
Looking for more on the subject? Read this: Why Olympic Weightlifting?
2-position Snatch; Hang – Floor
3 rounds of 45 seconds work and 15 seconds rest at each station, rest 60 seconds between stations:
Thruster 95/65 (strive for Rx today)
C2B Pull-Ups
Ring Dips
V-Up from hollow body
1) 14.4 @ 12:30pm ONLY
2) Last day to pre-order hoodies (Saturday)
3) SweatRiver and Yoga w/ Sara tomorrow! Yes, you can sign up for both.
Establish 5RM OHS
Eight rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating lunges (15 each leg)
20 Double-unders
25 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards)
Rest 90 seconds
1- Let’s get some MEN involved for Flex in the City! Guys, we’ve got several awesome ladies looking to be on a team for this competition! Check out the details and let us know ASAP if you’re interested.
2 – Don’t forget to pre-order your hoodie by Sunday!
You should already know what’s coming 🙂
Let’s GET SOME! #BeastRiver
1) Go pre-order your hoodie…. do it! (See yesterday’s post for more deets!)
2) Yoga w/ Gisele @ 7am. It’s included in your unlimited membership, so sign up! We have loaner mats on hand if you don’t have your own.
Sweat, Sweat and more SWEAT!
1) Flex @ Fighting 69th Armory
-Is anyone interested in doing a TEAM competition next month? Tell a coach.
-It’s local, 26th & Lex, and there is a scaled division available.
-If we field a scaled BeastRiver Team we will provide non-participating coaches.
-The gym, CFER, will subside part of the registration fees. We think it’s really important to get some competition experience.
-We’d like to field a Rx Team AND a Scaled Team. Priority however goes to the scaled team this time around.
2) Hoodie Pre-Order
-$45 for pre-order. Price will jump to $55 once they arrive.
-The brand is Canvas, slim American Apparel style fit
-XS available, please specify in the notes
-Pre-order closes Sunday
-Yes, we realize it’s almost spring
Split Jerk
Jerk Balance
20 minute AMRAP
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull ups
Erin working her clean with Jared Fleming. Team USA member and 2016 Olympic hopeful.
1) Back Squat
Establish 15rm. Make at least 3 attempts. 1st attempt should be absolutely certain.
2) Front Squat
1 attempt at ME x BW Front Squats
9 minute AMRAP
Ascending Ladder
1 STO 95/65
1 K2E
2 K2E
3 K2E