CrossFit East River – WOD
1: Back Squat
3×3 @ 85% of 1RM
1xME @85% of 1RM
2: Metcon (Time)
For time, alternating sets with a a partner
Thrusters 115/85
Burpees over bar
Your workout of the day!
3×3 @ 85% of 1RM
1xME @85% of 1RM
For time, alternating sets with a a partner
Thrusters 115/85
Burpees over bar
Max Effort 2k Row
4 Rounds of:
5 minutes on. 2 minutes off.
7 KBS 53/35
7 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
14 Calories on Rower/Bike
EMOM for as long as possible:
7 Thrusters, 75/55
7 Pull ups
7 Burpees
5×3 @ 80% of 1RM w/ 1s pause at bottom each rep
6 Rounds with a partner
10 strict pullups
8 burpees over the bar
6 Squat Cleans 135/95
-alternate full rounds, each partner does 3 full rounds.
5 Rounds of the following:
Min 1) DB OVH Lunge L25’/R25′ 50/35
Min 2) 5 Wall Walks
Min 3)12 DB Snatches
Min 4) Hold L-Hang from bar
Min 5) Rest
Score is total amount of time spent in L-Hang. Time stops for the round the first time feet drop below parallel. Each second is a rep.
21 Thrusters 75/55
Run 400m
3 Rope Climbs
60 Double Unders
30 Air Squats
10 Deadlifts 225/155
Welcome to the Athlete Spotlight! We plan to highlight one athlete every two weeks (coinciding with our newsletter). Coach Brad conducts the interviews. We really hope you enjoy learning about your fellow athletes! #BeastRiver
Where were you born and raised?
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. I later moved to northern California for college at UC Berkeley.
Did you play any sports growing up?
I was on competitive dance teams in high school. At Berkeley, I was on their competitive hip hop dance team. We traveled around California competing. They were the craziest people I’ve ever met!
When did you move to NYC?
In early 2014 I moved to the East Village. My sister, who was five months pregnant, lived in NYC. I wanted to be near her when she started having kids. I was also ready to get out of California.
How did you hear about CFER?
I walked by it. I was curious about the gym, and I checked out the website a couple of times. Then in January 2017, I received a Gilt email for a two-month intro offer. Perfect timing because I was going to Cuba in March. I decided that I would try CFER for two months, and then on vacation I would decide if I wanted to stay.
Do you remember what your first couple months were like?
I remember that I was really excited at 8:45 p.m.! “What are we doing tomorrow?” And still to this day I’m excited to see what’s happening the next day. I remember having to modify a lot of things. You have to leave your ego at the door. You have to be OK with not lifting as heavy as possible, and instead focus on what you’re capable of doing well. I remember thinking that I should focus on my progress, and not other people’s progress.
You’ve been at CFER for almost 1.5 years. What motivates and drives you to consistently attend classes?
CrossFit sets my day. It’s part of my schedule. I feel very accomplished after each class. Completing the WOD is something fun I get to do every morning.
What’s your favorite CrossFit movement?
I like double-unders now that I can do them! I like burpees a lot… over a bar!
Least favorite?
What goals are you currently working on?
Pull-ups. It’s been helpful that we’re regularly doing them in our strength cycle. Also, I recently got lifters, which is helping improve my squat.
Do you have any advice for new CFER members?
Stay for long enough to get a little win where you feel like you can do something that you couldn’t do before. That accomplishment is exciting, and it will help you keep coming to classes and achieve even more. Also, make friends in your classes. You need friends outside of work colleagues, and the CFER community is great place to make friends.
You have accomplished a lot at CFER. Do you have one accomplishment that stands out?
I remember the first day I did a workout Rx’d! That was super exciting. The WOD had rowing, kettlebell swings and burpees. Also, I recently got double-unders!
When Emma is not at the gym, what is she doing?
I like to cook and bake. I’ve been making a lot of bread. It’s difficult and takes a long time, but it’s worth it because fresh baked bread is so good.
What is your favorite thing about NYC?
That you can explore easily via the subway, bike or walking. In LA, you have to drive everywhere.
If you could choose your last meal on earth what would it be?
Well-done bacon and a ton of cookies!
If you could sit down for a meal with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would it be?
John Oliver. His show is funny, he’s smart and he lives in NY.
Death by DB Push Press
-Using 2 dumbbells ascend up in reps every minute, death by style.
Rx = 2×50/35
Rx+= 70/50
12m EMOM for quality
1) 15 KB Swings 53/35
2) 15 Ring Rows
3) 10 V-Ups, hold hollow for rest of minute