👻 🎃 CFER Halloween Shirts – Order form
💪 ✌️2 Fast 2 Pumps!
– OG Pump Sesh is Back
– Glutes and Guts adding to the rotation
– Fridays at 5pm
Couplet: Run + Deadlifts
Tuesday: Hang Squat Snatch 3 Rep
Couplet: Overhead Squat + Lateral Burpees
Bar Muscle-Up + Legless Rope Climbs
Bar Muscle-Ups, Single Dumbbell Step-Overs + Legless Rope Climbs + Handstand Push-Ups
Triplet: Row + Wall Balls + Double Unders
Clean and Jerk EMOM
Front Squat + Back Squat
Saturday: Class Comp
5×5 Bench Press + Rotational Medball Chest Pass Slam
4 Sets x 1:45-2:15 on / 1:00 Off
Echo + Deficit Push-Ups + Renegade Row + Devils Press
🍻 Saturday TEAM Workout AND Social!!
– Longer class 1.5 hrs – 2 part WOD
– Social Next Door: The Cabinet
-They will have cocktails and food for purchase.
CrossFit East River – WOD
Bench Press (Every 3:00 x 5 Sets
5 Bench Press @ 75%+
5 Explosive push-ups / knees)
Looking to start @ 75% and build to 85% at the top end for our Bench Press today. Do these back to back as a superset. The focus here is to hit the Bench Press and then go right into the explosive movement.
“Hadouken” (Time)
4 Sets, For Time
30 Mtn. Climbers
5 Dumbbell Deficit Push-Ups
10 Plank Rows
5 Devils Press
– Rest 1:00 b/t sets –
Load: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Goal: Complete each set in 1:45-2:15/ set
Stimulus: Upper Body Pressing Interference / Anaerobic
RPE: 9/10
Primary Objective: Complete Dumbbell Complex set unbroken
Secondary Objective:
Start the Mtn. Climbers at a strong pace, but not all out intensity. We will then look to tackle the Dumbbell Complex in an unbroken sets that will challenge the body and you grit to hang onto those Dumbbells when we hit the 5 Devils Press. The goal here is to maintain consistency and complete each round in a similar time frame.
[Hadouken: Levels] (Time)
Level 2
Load: 35/25lb, 15/12kg
Level 1:
4 Sets, For Time
30 Mtn. Climbers
5 Elevated Push-Ups
10 Plank Rows
5 Devils Press
– Rest 1:00 b/t sets –
Load: 25/15lb, 12/7kg
Competitor / Rx+:
Full Rest Day
Travel / Hotel / Limited Equipment:
4 Sets, For Time
30 Mtn. Climbers
5 Dumbbell Deficit Push-Ups
10 Plank Rows
5 Devils Press
– Rest 1:00 b/t sets –
Load: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
PRVN Recovery Flow
1-2 Sets
Right Leg/Left Leg
:30 Down Dog
:15 Updog
:30 Down Dog
:3 0 Low Dragon Po se
:30 Twisted Drag on Pose
:30 Pigeon Pose
:30 Half Kneeling Hamstri ng Stretch