Monday: Back Squat 6×2
Triplet: Row + Burpee Pull-Ups + Thrusters
Alt DB Snatch + Wall Walk + Handstand Push-Up + Run
Wednesday: Deadlift
Triplet: Box Jump Overs + Dumbbell Walking Lunges + Toe to Bar
Triplet: Mixed Mono: Run + Row + Bike
Midline Work
Power Snatch + Hang Snatch
CHAD 1000X
Handstand Walk
Triplet: Handstand Walk + Bike + Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk
Midline + Hips
CrossFit East River – WOD
Back Squat (Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets
2 Reps @ 75%
% of 1RM Back Squat)
% of 1RM Back Squat
These sets here are meant to be done with speed and form in order to really prime the system to hit a new 3RM here in the coming test phase. Work to have each set of 2 done quickly and with good force development.
“The Dodo Way of Life” (Time)
For Time:
EMOM Until 50 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 16/13 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this.
Barbell: 95/65lbs (43/30kg)
Goal: 14:00-16:00 (Finish in 4 Rounds)
Score: Time
RPE: 7/10
Primary Objective: Complete 15+ Thrusters Each Set
Secondary Objective: Complete the Row and Burpee Pull-Ups in under 45 seconds
On the final interval here before the cap, you can use you final minute 4 to finish the workout and get those 50 Thrusters completed
[The Dodo Way of Life: Levels] (Time)
Level 2
For Time:
EMOM Until 50 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this.
Barbell: 75/55lb, 34/25kg
Level 1:
For Time:
EMOM Until 50 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 14/11 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this.
Barbell: 45/35lb, 20/15kg
Masters 55+:
For Time:
EMOM Until 40 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 14/11 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this.
Barbell: 75/55lb, 34/25kg
Competitor / Rx+:
For Time:
EMOM Until 60 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 20/16 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 10 Burpee Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this.
Barbell: 95/65lbs (43/30kg)
Big Class Option
As prescribed, Just swap machines if necessary
Travel / Hotel / Limited Equipment
For Time:
EMOM Until 50 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 200m Run
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Dumbbell Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this.
Dumbbells: 40/30lb, 18/14kg
PRVN Recovery #6
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h
1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d
1:00 Child’s Pose
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
For Quality:
4 Sets
5/5 Banded Skater Jumps
5/5 Parallel Medicine Ball Rotational Throw , Heavy
8/8 Bird-Dog Row
Perform 1 set of each exercise, both sides/directions, and repeat for 4 total sets. Rest as needed between movements to maintain quality.