CrossFit East River – WOD
“Share the Load” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Partner workout: 28 min AMRAP
2 rounds EACH
P1: 20/16 cal row
P2: 10 Push-ups & 100′ DBL DB Farmers Carry (50/35)
Switch for 2 rnds
20 Synchro V-ups / Tucks
Repeat at top with the Row.
Switch after completing 2 rnds
Intent – Cardiovascular conditioning
Target – Partners will be working at the same time through this workout. After each partner has done 2 rounds on each station they will move to V-up performed together.
Flow – P1 and P2 will both work on the row and carry at the same time. Once both are done they will switch. Once they have both done each station twice they will move to the v-ups.
Repeat through the 20 minutes.