CrossFit East River – WOD
2 Sets Through
20 seconds on /10 seconds off
– Banded Passovers
– Banded Pull Aparts
– Scapular Pull-Ups
– Single Arm Ring Rows / Each Arm
– Plank Shoulder Taps
Then go through progressions for Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
Strict Ring Muscle-Up Rows
Eccentric Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
Toenail Spot Ring Muscle-Ups
Gymnastics: Seated Strict Ring Muscle-Ups (10 Rounds for reps)
Every 90 seconds x 10 Sets
2-3 Seated Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
* Scaled Seated Strict Ring Muscle-Up
Can scale to progressions for the Strict Ring Muscle-Up
3-5 False Grip Ring Row to Chest
Eccentric Ring Muscle-Ups
Toenail Spot Ring Muscle-Up
“Strictly Platonic” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10:00 AMRAP, For Quality
15-20 seconds Ring Support Hold
10-15 Seconds Bottom of Dip Hold
8-10 Ring V-Outs
Goal: Complete 4 Rounds for Quality
Stimulus: Strict Gymnastics Strength
RPE: 4/10
Primary Objective: Stay Consistent and Work on Positions
Secondary Objective: Do not rush through this
This is all about moving with intention and developing time under tension, do not push the pace here and just focus on quality.
PRVN Recovery Flow
1-2 Sets
Right Leg/Left Leg
:30 Down Dog
:15 Updog
:30 Down Dog
:3 0 Low Dragon Po se
:30 Twisted Drag on Pose
:30 Pigeon Pose
:30 Half Kneeling Hamstri ng Stretch