WOD – Sun, Jan 26
Rx: 2500. // S: 1500 Knees or to elevated target
-Cumulative in the whole month
CrossFit East River – WOD
General Warm-Up (4-6 minutes)
2 Sets: For Quality
:20 second Down Dog Hold
:15/:15 Samson Stretch
10 Alternating Down Dog Toe Touches
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
Specific Prep + Loading for Workout (5-7 minutes)
Specific Loading and movement patterns for each movement
Strength EMOM (16 Rounds for weight)
16:00 EMOM
Minute 1: 8 Bench Press
Minute 2: 10 Bent Over Barbell Row
Minute 3: 12 Dual Dumbbell Step-Ups
Minute 4: :40 Second Forearm Plank Hold
Bench Press to be performed at 65%+ of 1RM
Bent Over Rows at Moderate Heavy, Unbroken Loads
Dual Dumbbell Step-Ups , at light to moderate, unbroken loads and 24/20’’ Box
Plank: Add Loads if you can maintain form, duration and loads on other 3 movements
“Take It to the Edge” (3 Rounds for reps)
2:00 AMRAP
12 Devils Press
– Max Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 1:00
2:00 AMRAP
9 Devils Press
– Max Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 1:00
2:00 AMRAP
7 Devils Press
Max Strict Pull-Ups
Dumbbell Load: 2×50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Goal : Complete 10/8+ Strict Pull-Ups in Each Round
Stimulus: Push-Pull Power Output and Upper-Body Strength
RPE: 8/10
Primary Objective: Complete the Devil’s Press within 1:00-1:15 of each AMRAP to leave time for Max Strict Pull-Ups .
Secondary Objective: Hit consistent pull-up numbers across all rounds with minimal rest between attempts.
[Take it to the Edge: Levels] (3 Rounds for reps)
Level 2:
Dumbbell Load: 2×35/25lb, 15/12kg
Level 1:
2:00 AMRAP
12 Single Arm Devils Press
– Max Ring Rows
10 Single Arm Devils Press
– Max Ring Rows
8 Single Arm Devils Press
– Max Ring Rows
Dumbbell Load: 1×30/20lb, 14/9g
Competitor / Rx+:
13-11-9 Devils Press
Masters 55+:
Strict Banded Pull-Ups
Dumbbell Load: 2×30/20lb, 14/9g
PRVN Recovery #2
1:00 Childs Pose
1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch
1:00/1: 00 Scorpion Stre tch
:30/: 30 Thread the Needle Stre tch
5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations
Optional Accessories / Core Finisher: (No Measure)
For Quality:
4 Sets
15 V-Ups
:15 second Hollow Hold
:30 second Extended Plank Hold