WOD – Wed, Jan 3
January 3, 2024Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
Clean Complex (Every 2m x 10 minutes (5 rounds):
1 Power Clean +
1 Hang Power Clean +
1 Push Jerk
*Start @ moderate load and build on feel to a tough complex for the day
“Rise Up” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
*Cycle Test*
6 Clean and Jerks
18 Wall Ball Shots
s: 95/65
x: 135/95
6 Double DB clean and jerk – 20/15
18 Wall balls
The goal of today is to continue to move at a fast pace for as long as possible within the AMRAP. The cleans should be done in small sets to keep moving quickly without large breaks. Try to hold on to 1-2 sets on the wall balls. If wall balls will be a limiter , then you should break early, whereas if the barbell is a limiter try to push the wall balls to make up time.