Friday 29NOV30
We hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! If you’re reading this while enjoying great food and football, go back to the couch and worry about working out later!
However, keep reading if you’d like to know what’s in store for you tomorrow.
Expect classes to run about and 75 minutes tomorrow. We’re running a modified schedule with the following times:
We are having a free trial WOD on Saturday. Registration is now open. If you know someone who’d like to try CrossFit out they can sign-up on our schedule page:
You will alternate between the two following exercises (1a and 1b). Go heavy but not maximal. No misses.
1a) Behind the Neck Push Press:
1b) Weighted Ring Rows:
2) 5 Rounds:
60 seconds: Row for calories
60 seconds: Hang Power Cleans 155/110 for reps
60 seconds: C2B Pull-Ups for reps
60 seconds: Rest
3a) 2xMax Effort: L-Hold Pull Up
3b) 2×10: Weighted GHD Sit Ups (use a Med Ball)