Tuesday 17SEP13
We will be doing our first LuRong Living workout today.
Athletes competing in the challenge must upload their scores in order to have us validate them in time. Scores for workouts 1-3 must be uploaded no later than 29SEP13. Each workout has three levels, with Level III being the hardest. For scoring, it’s actually better to score in the 90th percentile of a lower level than come in last for a harder level. Rx wisely. Also keep in mind that you must do the WOD at the same level as when we revisit it at the end of the challenge.
Push Press
LuRong Living WOD #3
(yes we’re going out of order 🙂 )
For Time (5 minute time cap):
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95 LIII or 95/65 LII or 65/45 LI)
20m Sprint
8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95 LIII or 95/65 LII or 65/45 LI)
40m Sprint
6 Hang Power Cleans (135/95 LIII or 95/65 LII or 65/45 LI)
60m Sprint
4 Hang Power Cleans (135/95 LIII or 95/65 LII or 65/45 LI)
80m Sprint
2 Hang Power Cleans (135/95 LIII or 95/65 LII or 65/45 LI)
100m Sprint