Tuesday 15OCT19
CrossFit East River – WOD
“There are risks and costs of a program of action. But those are far less than the risks and costs of inaction.” – John F. Kennedy
Change may be one of the single most paralyzing things.
Because in the lack of change… is safe. It’s comfortable.
But in that comfort, we are literally confining ourselves to a box. A world that cannot grow further than what it has already grown to.
If we want to grow, we need to face the terror of change. Face the chance that we may fail. Face the chance that we may embarrass ourselves. Face the chance, that we may never be “safe” again.
When we realize that it is ourselves, not our circumstances, holding us back, safety becomes the least safe thing we can so. The only risk becomes playing it safe.
1: Thruster (3-3-3-3, post lightest set of 3)
2: Metcon (Time)
“Child’s Play”
3 Rounds:
10 Thrusters (115/85)
20 Deadlifts (115/85)
50 Double Unders