12JAN18 – 41 days until the open!
January 12, 2018WOD
CrossFit East River – WOD
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” -Walt Disney
Are you doing Lurong?
1: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In teams of 4 (go through each station as a group)
Minutes 0-7—max-calorie row
Minute 8: Rest
Minutes 8-15—max laps of a 200-m run
Minute 16: Rest
Minutes 16-21—max goblet squats (53/35 lb.)
Minute 22: Rest
Minutes 22-25—max hang power cleans (135/95 lb.)
Minute 26: Rest
Minutes 26-29—max toes-to-bars
Sum all of teams reps after each 7 minute round. Sum all of reps for total team score.