CrossFit East River – WOD
DROM (No Measure)
Arm, elbow and shoulder circles
Upright and bent-over torso rotations
Leg swings
Scorpions and helicopters
Bow & bend
Lunge & twist
“Rowling” (No Measure)
— The objective is to row exactly 100m. It doesn’t matter how fast you row, or how slow you row, but you want to get as close to 100m as you can.
— If you get 100m, that is considered a “Strike.”
— Similar to bowling, you row 10 frames. On the last frame, if you score a strike, you get another frame.
— Your score for each round is the deviation from 100m. Your total for the game is your score across all 10 rounds. (So if I row 102m or 98m, my score from that round would be 2, etc.)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
12-minute partner AMRAP:
One partner rows 200m, while the other partner does 10 OHS (65/55) and then AMRAP bastards (burpees over the barbell)
Then the partners switch (the one doing bastards hops on the rower once the partner rowing reaches 200m).
— One round is when BOTH partners have completed both the rowing and AMRAP bastards.
— Only completed rounds count toward score!