Monday 17NOV14
November 16, 2014WOD
CrossFit East River – WOD
Outlaw Progression Clean (No Measure)
1x with PVC, 2x with Barbell
High Pull
Muscle Clean
Front Squat
Sotts Press
Hang Clean (squat)
Clean (Clean + Front Squat, find a heavy single)
Metcon (No Measure)
On the C2 rower:
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:40/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:45/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:40/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Women’s Rx +0:10 sec