Monday 4AUG14
August 3, 2014WOD
Happy Monday, everyone!
We’re doing something different for the 8am time slot this Thursday – we’re going to WOD in Tompkins Square Park! More details to come, but start talking it up to your friends! Anyone can come to the WOD in the park.
Handstand Holds (against the wall)
“Handstand Helen”
Compare to 24JUN14
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KBS (53/35)
Scales for HSPU:
Rx, handstand push-ups (NO ab mats for scaling today)
A, deficit push-ups, 2-for-1 (24 push-ups each round)
B, push-ups on toes or knees, 2-for-1 (24 push-ups each round)