Wednesday 2JUL14
July 1, 2014WOD
June Check-In Challenge Results!
1st Place: Pat D.
2nd Place: Sara S.
Runner up: Lisa
Congrats to both our winners!
If you see them in the gym make sure to give them a hi-five. They all managed 25+ visits in June while still taking rest days. Very impressive.
Kettlebell Complex Ladder:
-Starting with 2x18s work up to a heavy working weight for the following ladder
-Complete 3 x sets with your working weight
5 KB Cleans
5 KB Thrusters
5 rounds for time of:
15 burpee pull-ups
20 1-arm KB swings (10l/10r)
250′ shuttle sprint in 25′ increments
Rest 1:1