Wednesday 16APR14

Congrats, you survived Death by T2B!
Reminder, we’re closed Saturday/Sunday. Be prepared for a benchmark WOD that you can do solo on Saturday, and why not come and spectate at the Flex event afterwards?
Tomorrow, Thursday, is a BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE DAY. All SweatRiver classes are FREE to try on Thursday. Spread. The. Word. Have them sign up on our schedule page.
1a) Front Squat: (if you don’t know your 1RM FS you’re going to find it)
4×5 @ 45,55,65,65
1b) Weighted Strict Chin-Ups
4×5, work up to a 5RM
2) Press: (if you don’t know your 1RM Press you’re going to find it)
4×5 @ 55,65,75,85%
5 minute AMRAP Ladder
1 KB Swing 53/35
1 KB Goblet Squat
2 KB Swings
2 KB Goblet Squats
3 KB Swings
3 KB Goblet Squats
4,5,6 …