Monday 24FEB14
February 23, 2014WOD
- Thank you to everyone who made the Paleo Potluck a yummy success!
- 8 a.m. won for the next regular WOD session. It won’t be added immediately, but it will be coming.
- We are going to be sending out an e-mail with a feedback link to all active members and recent Foundations graduates. We want to make sure CFER is the best gym possible. Please let us know what is working and what isn’t.
- Who’s excited that THE OPEN is almost here?! Haven’t registered yet? Do it now.
1) 5 Rounds for time: 30 minute time cap
10 Pull-ups
20 Hang Clean + Jerks 95/65
30 Burpees
20 Pull-ups
10 Hang Clean + Jerks 95/65
Rest 2 minutes between rounds