WOD – Sat, Mar 29
Key Focus Points for the Week:
Strength Progressions:
Olympic Lifting (Monday/Friday) – Continued technical refinement and exposure to heavier percentages.
Back Squat (Wednesday) – Progressing our squat cycle with focus on bracing and mechanics under load.
Deadlifts & Strict HSPU (Friday) – Prioritizing posterior chain strength and strict pressing endurance.
Saturday – A full-body stamina partner workout designed for high output and teamwork.
Conditioning Themes:
Sprint Capacity (Monday) – Short, high-output work to develop anaerobic power.
Gymnastics Skill Work (Tuesday) – Targeted practice for efficiency in high-skill movements.
Leg Stamina (Wednesday) – Building volume and fatigue tolerance in the lower body.
Aerobic & Gymnastics Pulling (Thursday) – Sustainable pacing and pulling endurance.
Strength-Priority Friday – Weightlifting Complex + Strength EMOM
Friday 6pm – Rotating Schedule
Now that The Open is behind us, we’re kicking off a new rotating schedule for our Friday 6PM class! Each week will feature one of the following:
📍 WODs – Your classic Workout of the Day.
📍 Olympic Lifting Foundations – Focus on the fundamentals of the Clean, Snatch, or Jerk, with each session dedicated to a specific lift.
📍 Pump Sesh’s – Bodybuilding-style workouts to hit movements we don’t often see in regular WODs.
Check the schedule each week to see what’s on deck. We can’t wait to see you there!
Note: The 5pm will remain the regular programmed WOD, it will only be the 6pm that rotates.
See you in the gym!
CrossFit East River – WOD
“The Expendables” (Time)
3 Rounds for Time with a Partner
100 Double Unders
80 Abmat Sit-Ups
60 Wall Balls
(M/M), (M/F), (F/F)
*40/35/30 Calorie Row
Wall Ball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg, 10/9ft
Work can be split anyway you want with your partner to achieve the best overall time
(M/M), (M/F), (F/F)
*40/35/30 Calorie Row
Goal: 8-10 min / round, 24-30 min
Time Cap: 35min
Primary Objective: Split workload evenly with your partner for the duration of the 3 rounds
Secondary Objective: Increase intensity and speed over the 3 rounds. Ideally descending splits on each round.
Stimulus: A blend of midline stability and leg stamina / Partner Chipper Style Flow (1:1 Work : Rest)
RPE: 7-8.5/10
This should build over the course of the movements with each bike ending fast and building across all 3 rounds
[The Expendables: Levels] (Time)
Level 2:
3 Rounds for Time with a Partner
80 Double Unders
60 Abmat Sit-Ups
40 Wall Balls 20/14lb, 9/6kg
40/35/30 Calorie *Bike
Work can be split anyway you want with your partner to achieve the best overall time
M/M, M/F, F/F
*40/35/30 Calorie Echo
44/38/33 Calorie Assault Bike
48/43/38 Calorie Bike Erg
Level 1:
3 Rounds for Time with a Partner
150 Single Unders
60 Abmat Sit-Ups
40 Wall Balls 14/10lb, 6/4kg
35/30/25 Calorie *Bike
Work can be split anyway you want with your partner to achieve the best overall time
M/M, M/F, F/F
*35/30/25 Calorie Echo
40/35/30 Calorie Assault Bike
45/40/35 Calorie Bike Erg
Competitor / Rx+ :
3 Rounds for Time with a Partner
100 Double Unders (At the same time, each do 100)
80 GHD Sit-*Up
60 Wall Balls
40/35/30 Calorie *Bike
Wall Ball: 30/20lb, 14/9kg, 10/9ft
Work can be split anyway you want with your partner to achieve the best overall time
M/M, M/F, F/F
*40/35/30 Calorie Echo
44/38/33 Calorie Assault Bike
48/43/38 Calorie Bike Erg
Masters 55+:
Same as Level 2
Big Class:
As prescribed, can start athletes on different stations in order to swap out the bikes as needed, or adjust calories to another machine.
Limited Equipment: Solo
3 Rounds for Time:
80 Double Unders
60 Air Squats
40 Sit-Ups
200m Run
1:00-2:00 Foam Roll Calves and Quads
1:00 Down Dog to Updog , Alternating Every 10 seconds
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Child’s Pose
Foundations: Cleans (Weight)
1) Hang Power Clean
2) Hang Squat Clean
3) Power Clean from floor
4) Squat Clean
Front Rack
– Mobility
– Bar position
10 Front Squats
Hand Position & Contact Point
– Grip Width & Hookgrip
⁃ High thigh contact point
Hang Power Clean: 3-5 reps of each
– Tall High Pull
– Tall Muscle Clean
– Hang High Pull
– Hang Muscle Clean
– Hang Power Clean
5 Mins – Practice 3 Hang Power Cleans
– Can load light/mod weight if moving well
Hang Squat Clean
– Receive and Squat
– Combine
5 Mins – Practice 3 Hang Squat Cleans
Power Clean
– Start Position
– Slow Pull To Paused Hang Position
– Slow Pull to Paused Hang + Power Clean
– Power Clean – no pause
5 Mins Practice – 3 Hang Squat Cleans
Squat Clean
– Power Clean w/pause + Squat
– Squat Clean – no pause
5 Mins – Practice 3 Squat Cleans