WOD – Tue, Feb 18
4p OPEN GYM: Mon – Thur
– Canceled beginning 2.17
– Due to low attendance.
Week Overview:
This week offers a fun balance centered around our end of cycle olympic lifting and strength tests.
- Monday:
- 5RM Touch and Go Power Snatch
- 12:00 AMRAP: WFHSPU + Alt DB Snatch + Double Unders
- Tuesday:
- 10RM Back Squat
- For Time : Pull-Ups + DB Box Step-Overs + Bike
- Wednesday:
- 10RM Bench Press
- Every 4:00 x 4 Sets: Sit-Ups + Ring Dips + Dual KB Deadlifts + Farmers Carry
- Thursday:
- 40:00 EMOM: Cal Row + Wall Walk + Heavy Power Cleans
- Friday:
- Toe to Bar + Chest to Bar + Bar Muscle-Ups
- For Time: Toe to Bar + Box Jump + Front Squat, Chest to Bar + Box Jump + Front Squat, Bar Muscle-Up + Box Jump + Front Squat
- Saturday:
- For Max Cals / Partner Workout: DB Burpee + Dual DB Hang Power Clean and Jerk + Run + Row
- Sunday:
- 8:00 EMOM: Strict Pull-Ups
- For Time 9:00-13:00 Triplet: Row + Burpees + Dumbbell Bench Press
CrossFit East River – WOD
Back Squat (Take 12 minutes to Establish a 10 Rep Max
We are looking to start with sets of 3-5 reps at a time to give us a gauge of where we will be at to test the 10RM for the Day. The goal here would be to hit a 10 Rep Max at around 80-85%. We have built up with some good volume sets here over the weeks during this cycle and should have a really good gauge of what we will hit here for the 10 reps.
“Doomsday” (Time)
For Time:
Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups
*15/11 Calorie Row Start Each Round or 13/11 Bike
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs (22.5/15kg)
Box: 24in/20in
Score: Time
Goal: 11:00-15:00
Time Cap: 18:00
RPE: 8/10
Stimulus: Grip and Quad Stamina
Primary Objective: Consistent Row Paces
Secondary Objective : Step Up Management
[Doomsday: Levels] (Time)
Level 2:
For Time:
Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups
*15/11 Calorie Row to Start Each Round or 11/9 Bike
Dumbbell: 35/25lb, 15/12kg
Box: 24in/20in
Level 1:
For Time:
Jumping Pull-Ups
Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups
*12/9 Calorie Row to Start Each Round
Dumbbell: 25/15lb, 12/7kg
Box: 24in/20in
Competitor / Rx+:
Dual Dumbbell Box Step-Up
18/13 Cal Echo Row
*Sub for Echo = 20/16 Cal Bike Erg
Masters 55+:
For Time:
Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups
*13/10 Calorie Row to Start Each Round
Dumbbell: 30/20lb, 14/9kg
Box: 24in/20in
Big Class:
Start on a 1:00 Delay and have 3 groups go for this workout with group 1 going at 0:00, group 2 at 1:00, and group 3 at 2:00.
12:00 EMOM
Minute 1: 14 Pull-Ups
Minute 2: 14 Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
Minute 3: 15/11 Calorie Row
Dumbbell: 35/25lb, 15/12kg
Box: 24in/20in
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
For Quality:
10:00 EMOM
Minute 1 – 5/5 Knees Over Toe Split Squat , Light Load
Minute 2 – :20/:20 Single Leg Hip Thrust Hold , Light Load
Perform the knees over toes, split squats with a 3 second negative, and a light load in the goblet position.
PRVN Recovery #4
:30sec/:30sec KB Calf Smash
1:00/1:00 Half Kneeling Hamstring Str etch
1:00/1:00 Tall Dragon Stretch
1:00 Standing Forward Fold
1:00 Updog Pose