WOD – Mon, Jan 6
Sign-Up here!
Competition Corner:
The PRVN Community Throwdown is a virtual fitness competition spanning the first 2-weeks in January.
- Workouts 1 & 2 run from January 2nd – 6th, 2025
- Workouts 3 & 4 run from January 9th – 13th, 2025
Registration is now LIVE!
Monday:Strength/Weightlifting: Snatch + Back Squat Progression
Metcon: No Metcon Today
Tuesday:Skill / Focus: Barbell Cycling ( Hang Power Cleans and Shoulder to Overhead)
Metcon: 2 Part Workout (Triplet: Run + Hang Power Clean + Burpees to Target, Run + Shoulder to Overhead + Abmat Sit-Ups)
Wednesday:Strength Superset: Deadlift + Weighted Strict Pull-Up
American Kettlebell Swings + Push-Ups + Box Jump Overs + Pull-Ups
Thursday:: Bike + Run + Row + Double Unders
Friday:PRVN Community Throwdown Workout #3A and 3B
9:00 AMRAP: Triplet of Toe to Bar, Thrusters, and Lateral Burpees over Barbell + 3RM Touch and Go Clean
Saturday:PRVN Community Throwdown Workout #4: 2 Part Workout
Triplet of Deadlifts + Box Jump Overs + Wall Walks, Rest 1:00 into Triplet of Deadlifts + Box Jumps Overs + Handstand Push-Ups
Sunday:Strength/Weightlifting: Bulgarian Split Squat + Push Press
4x500m Row (Aerobic Capacity Builder)
Rx: 2500
S: 1500 Knees or to elevated target
-Cumulative in the whole month
– Can be done anytime/anywhere: Accumulate throughout the day. 50 in morning/50 in night
CrossFit East River – WOD
Snatch (Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
Every 2:30 x 5 Sets
Rest 10-15 seconds
Rest 10-15 seconds
Starting @ 70% of Power Snatch and increasing each set
The complex is meant to be touch and go! We will do 1 Power Snatch, followed by a Touch and Go
Back Squat (Every 2:30 x 5 Sets
5 Back Squats
Set1: @ 75%
Set 2: @ 75%
Set 3: @ 80%
Set 4: @ 80%
Set 5: @ 85%
Goal To build strength, improve positional stability, and develop confidence under heavy loads while maintaining proper form and control.
Stimulus A moderate-to-heavy loading scheme that progressively increases intensity over 5 sets. The focus is on smooth, controlled reps with consistent tempo and depth. Expect a strong demand on the legs and core, with an elevated heart rate by the later sets due to accumulated fatigue.
Primary Objective: Develop lower body strength by targeting the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and spinal stabilizers. Build consistency and confidence with sub-maximal loading to prepare for heavier lifts in future training cycles.
RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
Sets 1 & 2 (75%): RPE 6-7 – Challenging but manageable; focus on solid form.
Sets 3 & 4 (80%): RPE 7-8 – Moderate effort; maintain control and speed out of the hole.
Set 5 (85%): RPE 8-9 – Heavy; approach with focus, ensuring proper bracing and execution.
PRVN Recovery #5
1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch
1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch
1:00 Seated Chest Stretch
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
5 Sets, For Quality
5/5 Single Arm Contralateral Box Step-Ups
100/100ft (30/30m) Suitcase Carry
8 Bodyweight Sissy Squat