WOD – Sun, Dec 29
✨ NEW: EXTRA HOURS Membership Available
🗓 Workout anytime that fits your schedule.
🔑 Gym / Equipment access during Off-Class times.
📧 Talk to Griff or email: team@beastiver.com
🎄 Modified “Holiday Week” Schedule
– Check Wodify for updates
20th Fri: 7a & 8a ONLY
21: Sat: Regular
22nd Sun: Closed
23rd Mon: Closed
24th Tue: 9a & 10a
25th: CLOSED
26th: Wed 9a & 10a
27th: Closed
28th: Sat. Reg
CrossFit East River – WOD
2 Rounds for Quality
1:00 Bike
10 Scapular Push-Ups
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
:15 second Hollow Hold
:15 second Superman Hold
2 Rounds
1 Wall Walk + 10 Wall Facing Shoulder Taps + 10 second Hold
*Can do this on a box as well for a progression
10 Seated Pike Ups
4-6 Supine Leg Raises
Strength and Stabilty (Checkmark)
Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
10-15 second L-Sit
20-30 second Handstand Hold (Freestanding or Wall Supported)
This is a good day to go over some fun skills and drills for both the L-Sit and Handstand Hold. Spend a little time here talking through different modifications and ways to build good progressions here for athletes.
Focus on core strength, body-line positioning, and static stability. The L-sit challenges midline stability and hip flexor endurance, while the handstand hold reinforces overhead stability, balance, and shoulder strength.
“Donkey Kong” (No Measure)
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: 12/9 Calorie Echo or 15/12 Calorie Bike Erg
minute 2: 10 Dumbbell Bench Press
minute 3: 20 Renegade Rows
minute 4: 15 GHD Hip Extension
minute 5: Rest
Load: Choice For All Movements
Primary Objective: Complete each movement in under 45 seconds
Secondary Objective: Total Load across movements
Stimulus: Strength & Stability
RPE: 7/10
[Donkey Kong: Levels] (Checkmark)
Level 2:
As prescribed
Level 1:
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: 10/7 Calorie Echo or 12/9 Calorie Bike Erg
minute 2: 10 Dumbbell Bench Press
minute 3: 16 Renegade Rows
minute 4: 12 GHD Hip Extension
minute 5: Rest
Load: Choice For All Movements
Competitor / Rx+:
Day Off
Masters 55+:
As prescribed
Big Class:
As prescribed
Travel / Hotel Gym:
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: 45 second Cardio Choice
minute 2: 10 Dumbbell Bench Press
minute 3: 20 Renegade Rows
minute 4: 15 Supermans
minute 5: Rest
Load: Choice For All Movements
PRVN Recovery #8
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Childs Pose
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
4 Sets, For Quality
8-10 Glute Bridge Dumbbell Pull-Overs
10-12 Tall Kneeling Banded Lat Pull-Downs
10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Rows