WOD – Wed, Feb 7
-get some nutrition hacks here!
CrossFit East River – WOD
A1) “Frannie Mae” (Time)
On a 18 minute running clock:
For time:
Thrusters (95/65)
Toes to bar
Remainder of time to build to a hang squat clean and jerk at 80-90% 1rm
Intent – Lifting under fatigue
Target- The first portion of this workout should be well paced. The movement pairing is similar to Fran but with an extra set of 27 so it will require more breaks. Members should pace this slightly more knowing there is a lift afterward. Once they are done with the metcon portion they will have whatever time is left to build to a hang squat clean and jerk. We want members to stop in the 80-90% range to keep the lift heavy but confident today – not a true 1RM.
Feel – High intensity then heavy lifting.
Flow – The workout is on an 18 minute clock. How much time members have to lift is dictated by how fast they do the workout.
A2) Hang Squat Clean & Jerk (Weight)
Hang Squat Clean & Jerk