WOD – Thu, Oct 12
October 12, 2023Uncategorized
🍁Fall Hoodie and T-Shirt Order!🍁
Fill out form for you size and color – LINK
💪 Pump Session is Back in Oct 💪
– Fridays: 5pm
CrossFit East River – WOD
Hello Abs – sweat (Time)
For time
80/64c Row
40 TTB / Knee Raises / V-up[s
60/48c Row
60 Alt. Leg V-ups / Tucks
40/32c Row
80 Sit-ups
20/16c Row
Cap 30m
Intent – Long duration core burner
Target – Athletes should look to find a smooth and comfortable pace on the rower with large sets of core movements.
– Athletes should break the TTB early to avoid fatigue and spending too much time on breaks staring at the bar. 2s and 5s for most.