WOD – Thu, Oct 5
October 5, 2023Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
Escalate (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
As Far As Possible in each round.
7 Rounds: (2 minutes ON/ 1 minute OFF)
3 Bar muscle ups / 4-6 C2B / Banded pull-ups
6 Devils presses
12/10 cal row
– pick up where you left off
s: 35/20
x: 50/35 / BMU
Target – These intervals are designed to be broken up to allow people to maintain unbroken sets on their gymnastics.
We want members to try to push to hold bigger sets knowing there will be rest built in. The DBs should be at a weight that allows a steady effort throughout.
Feel – High levels of muscle fatigue in the upper body.