WOD – Tue, Oct 3
October 3, 2023Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
Bench Press (Every 4 min:
3 sets of 5 singles
3 x (
*rest 10 sec between reps racking the weight between.
*build to a max cluster set for the day)
– Cluster sets today are performed by doing 1 rep at a time with 10 seconds between each. Rack the bar during the 10 seconds.
– After 5 singles, rest for 2 minutes before performing again.
Venti (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
on 12min clock:
Buy-in – 600m Run – around 8th st block
AMRAP with remaining time
5-6-7-8-9 etc …Deficit Push-ups
5-10-15-20 etc…V-ups
10-20-30-40 etc…DU / CC
DU to Same # of Singles
V-ups to Tucks
Push-ups: No deficit / Knees
x: 45/25 pound plate deficit
– Chest must touch ground on deficit push-up and not the thighs.