WOD – Tue, Dec 6
December 6, 2022Uncategorized
Beast River Fitness – WOD
Strength / Skill (No Measure)
EMOM x 9
1. :20s Hollow Hold & :20 Arch Hold
2. 3-5 Chin-up OR Jumping w/ Negative
3. 1-3 HSPU / Negative / Box / Pike
“Climbing Diane” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 minute ascending ladder
3-6-9-12… etc
Hspu / Pike / Box
*after each round:
80 DU / 100 Singles (cap 1:00)
S: 185/125
Rx: 225/155
9s = Rnd 3
12s = Rnd 4
15s = Rnd 5
Scale the barbell weight to allow for unbroken sets through the 9s
Scale HSPU to HR push ups OR DBpress