WOD – Tue, Nov 1
Beast River Fitness – WOD
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM x 12m
m1: 4-6 Strict Pull-ups
m2: 5-7 Controlled Kips
Strict Pull-up Options
A: Band Assist
B: Body Weight
C: Weighted
Kipping Options
A: Slow Hollow / Arch on bar
B: Tight perfect beat swings
C: Kipping C2B
When selecting a band or weight athletes should choose something that allows them to hit the desired rep range, while having the last rep feel like a challenge.
RUN PUSH POWER (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
400m Run
21 Hand Release Push-ups
12 Power Cleans
S: 75/55
Rx: 115/75
If run takes longer than 2:30, scale the run.
Scale HR to knees or volume to achievable number in 3-4 sets. (10, 15, 18)
P. Clean on light side; should be able to cycle unbroken when fresh and for majority of the workout.
Aim for 3-4 Rnds
Extra Work
B. EMOM x 6-12 min:
Min 1: 20 sec Loaded standing pike stretch w/kb
Min 2: 10-30 sec Tucked hollow hold w/elbows touching knees
Min 3: 10-30 sec Hip drag pulses
:60/side Single leg calf stretch
:60/side Couch Stretch