Friday 10APR20
CrossFit East River – WOD
“A fall into a ditch can make you wiser.”” – Chinese Proverb
A fall into a ditch is a little embarrassing. On a physical level however, pretty easy to recover from. Dust off, and carry on. A fall off a cliff however is… not so nice. Both are mistakes. But one is far more damaging than the other.
Rarely do we step off the cliff first. Before we approach that edge, chances are highly likely that we are going to fall into “ditches” several times along the way, acting as quiet, but real, warning signs. It becomes dangerous when these are ignored.
A cardinal rule of ours is to never waste our failures. These seemingly small mishaps are nature’s way of letting us know where to place our efforts, and where to learn from. But there’s a reason the quote above reads “can” make you wiser. It’s a choice to learn.
1: Metcon (No Measure)
50 Single Unders
50 Double Unders
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds Samson Stretch
15 Glute Bridges
30 Seconds Cossack Squats
15 Air Squats
Double Unders
60 Hot Hops (each foot tap counts as a rep)
2: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“Hannah Banana” (No Equipment Version)
10 Toe Raises
20 Odd-Object Ground-to-Overhead
60 Double-Unders
“Hannah Banana”
10 Strict Toes to Bar
20 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
60 Double-Unders
This workout is all about finding a consistent break-up strategy to carry you through the 18 minutes of work
Taking short calculated breaks can sometimes allow you to move faster then bigger sets with longer break
Set up a weight that you can complete the ground to overhead with 1 break MAX each round
Aim to complete the double unders in 1-2 sets