Saturday 4APR20
CrossFit East River – WOD
“When you have one foot in the past, and one in the future, you piss on the present.”” – Dan Harris
It’s fun to think about the future, and it’s easy to dwell on the past.
What is more challenging is to put the thought power into the present – what is directly in front of us. Right now.
Nothing is insignificant. From the most subtle acts at home between family members, to the minor conversation at work. We never know when it’s our last moment.
It’s less of a morbid thought, and more of a recognition of how fast our lives can be. When everything becomes significant, nothing is more important than right now.
1: Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM 12:
Minute 1: 100m Jog
Minute 2: 10 Cossack Squats (Alternating)
Minute 3: 20 Air Squats
Minute 4: 20 Odd-Object Swings (chest high)
2: Metcon (Time)
“Rancy” (No Equipment Version)
5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
20 “Odd-Object” Ground-to-Overhead
20 “Odd-Object” Squats
5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
20 Single Arm Dumbbell OHS
*Power Snatches change arms every rep
*OHS change arms as athlete chooses
You’ll complete the 3 listed movement for 5 total rounds
Set up your odd-object with a weight that you can complete each movement in 1-2 sets within the workout
Let’s treat the run as somewhat of a buy-in
The workout isn’t necessarily “won” there
It is “won” by thriving on the ground to overhead and the squats
A helpful approach can be to establish your first round as your slowest, and then try to be seconds faster with each round
Your score is total time of completion