Monday 16SEP13
September 15, 2013WOD
Back Squat
6×6 @ 70%
The following is in ADDITION to the weight you added last week. In other words if you added 10 lbs last week add another 10 lbs, 20 lbs total, this week.
If you failed at all on ANY reps during last week’s squats, add no weight. (70%)
If you found last week’s squats challenging yet doable, add 5-10 lbs. (70% + 5-10 lbs)
If last week’s squats were a breeze, add 10-20 lbs. (70% + 10-20 lbs)
5 rounds for time:
50′ Farmers’ Carry (53/35 KB in each hand)
50′ Walking Lunge (53/35 KB in each hand)
10 Deficit Push-ups on KBs
10 Renegade Row (5 on each arm)