WOD – Mon, Feb 3
Rx: 2500. // S: 1500
🔗Friday Night Schedule Shift – Poll LINK
We are thinking about offering more on Friday’s and we want your opinion!
Click the above link and let us know!
🎽The Open is here – Shirt order
– Pick size and style
- Monday: Leg Stamina EMOM
- 20:00 EMOM: Row + American Kettlebell Swings + Row + Front Rack Step-Ups + Rest
- Tuesday:
- Front Squat + Split Jerk Complex
Triplet of Double Unders + Dumbbell Thrusters + Toes to Bar
- Wednesday: Classic CrossFit Triplet / Gymnastics Skills
- Ring Muscle-Up Progressions
18:00 AMRAP : Ring Muscle-Ups + Power Cleans + Bar Facing Burpees
- Thursday: Upper Body Pressing Emphasis
- Bench Press 8-8-6-6-Max
Strength Focused EMOM: Wall Walk/WFHSPU + Chest Supported Dual Dumbbell Rows + Hollow Hold + Single Arm OH Carry
- Friday: Absolute Leg Strength + Leg Stamina Conditioning
- Back Squat: Heavy 3 Reps
For Time: Run + OHS + Run + Front Squat + Run + Back Squat
- Saturday: Partner Waterfall Workout
For Time Triplet: Power Snatch + Pull-Ups + Burpee Box Jumps
- Sunday: Midline Conditioning
- 20:00 AMRAP: Triplet of Row + Abmat Sit-Ups + Dual Dumbbell Push Press
CrossFit East River – WOD
“White Russian” (4 Rounds for reps)
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: Calorie Row
minute 2: American Kettlebell Swings
minute 3: 200m run / Cal Row or Bike
minute 4: Single Kettlebell Front Rack Step-Ups
minute 5: Rest
Kettlebell 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Box Height 24/20in
Row : Male (14-20 Cals) / Female (10-16 Cals)
AKBS: 15-25 Reps
Echo : Male (12-18 Cals) / Female (10-14 Cals)
FR Step-Up: 15-20 Reps
Maintain consistent pacing on both machines and kettlebell movements without sacrificing form or overtaxing your heart rate.
Stimulus: Mixed-Modal Aerobic Power
Repeated efforts focusing on steady, sustainable output
Short rest period to aid in partial recovery
RPE: 8/10
Primary Objective: Build aerobic capacity and muscular endurance under a manageable yet challenging workload, focusing on smooth transitions and efficient breathing.
Secondary Objective: Reinforce core stability and single-leg strength during the front rack step-ups. Practice maintaining proper posture and KB positioning as fatigue sets in.
[White Russian: Levels] (4 Rounds for reps)
Level 2:
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: Calorie Row
minute 2: American Kettlebell Swings
minute 3: 200m Run / Cal Row or Bike
minute 4: Single Kettlebell Front Rack Step-Ups
minute 5: Rest
Kettlebell 44/26lb, 20/12kg
Box Height 24/20in
Level 1:
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: Calorie Row
minute 2: Russian Kettlebell Swings
minute 3: 100m run / Cal row or Bike
minute 4: Alternating Step-Ups
minute 5: Rest
Kettlebell 35/26lb, 16/12kg
Box Height 24/20in
Competitor / Rx+:
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: Calorie Row
minute 2: American Kettlebell Swings
minute 3: Calorie Echo Bike
minute 4: Single Kettlebell Front Rack Step-Ups
minute 5: Rest
Kettlebell 70/53lb, 24/16kg
Box Height 24/20in
Big Class Option:
Start Athletes on a Delay to allow a waterfall flow into the workout. If needed add an additional station of Box Jumps and change to a 24:00 EMOM
Masters 55+:
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: Calorie Row
minute 2: Russian Kettlebell Swings
minute 3: Calorie Echo Bike
minute 4: Single Kettlebell Front Rack Step-Ups
minute 5: Rest
Kettlebell 44/26lb, 20/12kg
Box Height 24/20in
Travel / Hotel WOD:
20:00 EMOM
minute 1: Machine
minute 2: American Kettlebell Swings
minute 3: Machine
minute 4: Single Kettlebell Front Rack Step-Ups
minute 5: Rest
Kettlebell 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Bench Step-Ups
PRVN Recovery #6
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h
1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d
1:00 Childs Pose
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
4 Sets: For Quality
:20/:20 Single Arm Ring Plank
:30/:30 Tall Kneeling Paloff Press
:40 second Sandbag Bear Hug Hold