WOD – Tue, Aug 13
💪 🛑 Pump Sesh Paused For The Summer:
- Will have one here and there
Summer Comp T-Shirt Order form
Monday: Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Power Snatch + Back Rack Reverse Lunges
Tuesday: Ring Muscle-Up
Echo Bike + GHD Sit-Ups + Ring Muscle-Ups
Wednesday: Clean and Jerk Complex
Power Clean and Push Jerk + Bar Facing Burpees
Ski Erg + Wall Walks + Double Unders + Shuttle Runs
Dumbbell Bench Press + American Kettlebell Swings + Calorie Row
Run + Wall Balls + Box Jumps
Ball Up to Single Leg Eccentric
Box Pike Strict Handstand Push-Up
CrossFit East River – WOD
Taking it to the Bank (Time)
6 Sets
21/15 Calorie Row
15 V-ups
5 Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 2:00 between sets
Goal: Complete each set in under 2:30/set, 15:00 working time,
25:00 Total time including rest
Time Cap: 30:00
Stimulus: Gymnastic Conditioning / Midline Emphasis
RPE: 7/10
Primary Objective: Complete each set of Ring Muscle-Ups unbroken
Secondary Objective: Complete the Echo and GHD Sit-Ups in sub 2:00 minutes
[Taking it to the Bank:Levels] (Time)
Level 2
6 Sets
15/11 Calorie Row
15 V-Ups
7 Strict Pull-Ups + 7 Strict Ring Dips
Rest 2:00 b/t sets
Level 1:
6 Sets
13/10 Calorie Row
15 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Band Assisted Push-Ups
5 Banded Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 2:00 between sets
Masters 55+:
6 Sets
15/11 Calorie Row
15 V-Ups
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 2:00 between sets
Competitor / Rx+:
6 Sets
21/15 Calorie Row
18 GHD Sit-Ups
7 Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 2:00 between sets
Big Class Option
28:00 EMOM
Min 1: 15/11 Row
Min 2: 15 GHD Sit-Ups
Min 3: 4 Ring Muscle-Ups
Min 4: Rest
Travel / Hotel / Limited Equipment
6 Sets
200m Run
20 V-Ups
15 Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
Rest 2:00 between sets
PRVN Recovery #2
1:00 Child’s Pose
1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch
1:00/1: 00 Scorpion Stre tch
:30/: 30 Thread the Needle Stre tch
5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
For Quality
4 Sets
5 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups 30×3
:20 second Ring Support Hold
10 Dual Dumbbell Zottman Curls 31×1
Tempo = [A][B][C][D]
A = Eccentric
B = Position or change of direction between Eccentric And Concentric
C = Concentric
D = Position or change of direction between Concentric and Eccentric
Eccentric = Muscle Lengthening Under Tension
Concentric = Muscle Shortening Under Tension