WOD – Tue, Jun 25
💪 🛑 No Pump Sesh: Following Dates
- 6/21
- 6/28
- 7/12
- 7/19
Monday: Pause Front Squat
Triplet: Pull-Ups + American Kettlebell Swings + Run
Tuesday: Split Jerk
Couplet: Echo + Clean and Jerk
Wednesday: Toe to Bar
Triplet: Wall Balls + Toe to Bar + Burpee Box Jump Overs
Wall Walks + Row Calories + Turkish Get Ups + Runs + Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
Friday: Snatch
Triplet: Bar Muscle-Ups + Power Snatch + Double Unders
Team Workout : Waterfall Style:
Row + Push-Ups + Run + Dumbbell Thrusters
Deadlifts + Strict Knees to Elbows + Gorilla Rows
CrossFit East River – WOD
Split Jerk (Every 2:00 x 6 Sets
Set 1: 2 x 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 70%
Set 2: 2 x 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 75%
Set 3: 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 80%
Set 4: 1 Split Jerk @ 85%
Set 5: 1 Split Jerk @ 85%
Set 6: 1 Split Jerk @ 85%
*For the pause split jerk, hold the dip and catch for 1 second each.
*On the pause split jerk + split jerk complexes, note that the 2 x 1+1 is two sets of 1+1 resting as needed between. Do not perform 4 reps straight
Quailman (3 Rounds for reps)
9:00 EMOM
min 1: 15/12 Calorie Rows
min 2: Max Clean and Jerk 135/95lb, 61/43kg
min 3: Rest
Stimulus: Barbell Cycling and Conditioning
RPE: 8/10
Keep the RPE here to 8/10 with the goal of smooth quick singles on cycling rather than pushing the pace and intensity here with touch and go reps.
Primary Objective: Achieve 10+ Reps on the Barbell
Secondary Objective: Consistency across all sets and get 5+ seconds of rest on the row minute
Strategy: The goal here is to have the row be at a pace that is challenging, but not deadly. We want to hit the row at around 80-85% intensity to allow us 5-10 seconds to walk off and get into the barbell cycling component. The focus shifts here to trying to bring the heart rate down a bit, focus on breathing and hit quality quick singles here about every 4-6 seconds
[Quailman: Levels] (3 Rounds for reps)
Level 2:
9:00 EMOM
min 1: 12/10 Calorie Row
min 2: Max Clean and Jerk 95/65lb, 61/43kg
min 3: Rest
Level 1:
9:00 EMOM
min 1: 10/8 Calorie Row
min 2: Max Hang Power Clean and Push Jerk 65/45lb, 30/20kg
min 3: Rest
9:00 EMOM
min 1: 20/16 Calorie Row
min 2: Max Clean and Jerk 185/125lb, 84/57kg
min 3: Rest
Big Class Variation:
10:00 EMOM
min 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
min 2: Max Clean and Jerk 95/65lb, 61/43kg
min 3: 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 4: Max Clean and Jerk 95/65lb, 61/43kg
Min 5: Rest
Hotel / Travel / Limited Equipment
9:00 EMOM
min 1: 45 second Machine Conditioning
min 2: Max Dual Dumbbell Clean and Jerk 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
min 3: Rest
PRVN Reset (Checkmark)
8:00 EMOM, For Completion
Minute 1: :45 Elevated Prayer Stretch
Minute 2: :25/:25 Banded Front Rack Stretch
Minute 3: 90/90 Stretch , (Right Side)
Minute 4: 90/90 Stretch (Left Side)
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
For Quality:
16:00 EMOM
Minute 1 – 8 Tempo Dual Dumbbell Bench Press, Moderate Load
Minute 2 – 8 Tempo Dual Dumbbell Bentover Rows, Moderate Load
Minute 3 – 10 Floor Barbell Skullcrushers
Minute 4 – 10 Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
The tempo for the bench & rows will be a 2 second negative, and 2 second pause at the bottom (bench) or top (rows) each rep.