WOD – Sat, Mar 23
March 23, 2024Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
“Hidden Gem” (Time)
For time: With a partner, splitting work however
50/40 cal row
75 toes to bar / V-ups
50/40 cal row
50 CTB / Pull-ups
50/40 cal row
25 ring muscle ups / Burpee Pullups
50/40 cal row
Intent – Partner Chipper
Target – Partners should plan how to attack each movement here as they are all in high volume chunks. They can switch any time which will allow them both to find sustainable sets across all movements. As the gymnastics become more complex we expect members to need to slow down and perform smaller chunks of work and switch more often. The Ring muscle ups will be a major bottleneck for some teams. Expect that some get capped trying to finish the rings.
Feel – Cardio and pulling endurance.
Flow – Partners can switch at any time.