WOD – Sat, Sep 2
September 2, 2023Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
C.”The Biathlon” (Time)
For time with Partner:
2 rounds per person:
A: 200m run + unbroken 16 alt. DB snatches
B:: KB goblet Wall Sit
–rest 3:00–
2 rounds per person
A: 200m run + unbroken 16 DB C+J
B: KB goblet Wall sit
s: sit KB 35/26 + DB 35/20
x: sit KB 53/35 + DB 50/35
+: sit KB 70/53 + DB 70/50
if A drops DB = 5 burpee
if B moves out of hold = 5 burpees
– Burpee penalties are accumulated over the two portions and performed after the 4th round is completed of the second couplet.
– Partners will perform burpee penalties synchronized