WOD – Tue, Nov 8
Beast River Fitness – WOD
Pull-up Strength (Weight)
EMOM 12m
m1: 3 Tempo Pull-ups – (3s hold @ top + 3 second lower)
m2: 6 Small/Tight Kips
Strict Tempo Pull-up Options:
A: Band assistance, or jump to the top)
B: Body Weight
m1: 3-6 Strict Weighted no tempo + 6-8 Unweighted C2B
m2: 3-5 Kip C2B or Butterfly
Kipping Options
A: Slow Hollow / Arch on bar
B: Tight perfect beat swings
C: Kipping C2B
The EMOM for today has one movement that is focused on developing strict pulling strength and a second movement focused on developing kipping skill.
Choose the level based on current skill level.
RUN TO THE AMRAP (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
ON 14m Clock:
1 Mile Run Buy-in
AMRAP w/remaining time
10 hand release push-ups
5 Hang Power Cleans
S: 95/65
Rx: 135/95
+: 155/105
Athletes who have a mile time greater than 10 minutes should scale the distance.
The weight for hang power cleans should allow for unbroken
Extra Work
3 Sets
1. 30sec Pike lean stretch
2. 10-15 Tuck ups
3. 10-30sec Hanging tucked L-sit