Beast River Fitness – WOD
Snatch BB Primer (No Measure)
5 Snatch Grip RDL
5 Good Morning
5 Back Squat
5 BTN Snatch Grip Push Press
5 Overhead Squat
5 Snatch Balance (move the feet to receive)
Build to A Heavy Power Snatch Complex
1 High Hang Power Snatch (pockets)
1 Hang Power Snatch (above the knee)
1 Power Snatch (floor)
*Score = Heaviest Load
*Athletes should complete the complex unbroken.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)
3 Burpee Pull-ups
6 Hang Power Snatches
6 Burpee Pull-ups
9 Hang Power Snatches
9 Burpee Pull-ups
[Add 3 Reps Per Round]
*Score = Rounds + Reps
SCALING: Athletes should choose a Power Snatch load they could hold onto 15 unbroken Hang Power Snatches unbroken when fresh.
Athletes should pick a pull-up bar they can completely pull their chin over the bar.
Athletes should try to hold onto unbroken sets of Hang Power Snatches as long as possible (at least the round of 12’s) and pace the Burpee Pull Ups.