Saturday 25APR20
CrossFit East River – WOD
“If you put limits on everything you do – physical or anything else – it will spread into your work and your life. There are no limits, only plateaus, and we must go beyond them.” – Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee was involved in a horrific motorcycle accident when he was younger. He was told, he would never be able to walk again.
In that moment, he had a choice. To believe that his life was limited, to which a self-fulfilling prophecy would have followed. Or, he could choose to believe that there truly are no limits – only the ones we impose on ourselves.
Bruce made his choice. He chose to believe in cause and effect, and he put in the work. When times got hard, he got harder. When he reached a plateau, he recognized it for what it was. Not a limit, but the next challenge. And he found a way to overcome.
Bruce made his choice. When we reach our next challenge, what will be ours? Will we see it as our limit, or as the plateau that it truly is?
1: Metcon (No Measure)
1 Round:
400 Meter Easy Jog
2 Rounds:
30 Seconds Active Spidermans
30 Seconds Active Samson
30 Seconds Inchworm to Push-ups
3 Rounds:
10 Mountain Climbers (10 Each Leg)
10 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (5 Each Side – Hit Between Feet)
10 Reverse Lunges (5 Each Side)
2: Metcon (Time)
“Wedding March”
For Time:
50 Burpees
1 Mile Run
75 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
1 Mile Run
100 Meter Walking Lunge
“Wedding March”
For Time:
50 Burpees
1 Mile Run
75 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
1 Mile Run
100 Meter Walking Lunge
Working through a long chipper workout to start off the weekend
In this steady grind of a workout, the goal is to keep moving forward as much as possible by pushing through larger sets of odd object ground to overheads
We expect this piece to take around 25-35 minutes to complete
3: Metcon (No Measure)
Body Armor
Tabata Side Planks:
8 Rounds:
20 Seconds On
10 Seconds Rest
A simple and effective core focus for today’s Body Armor piece
The challenge here comes from completing all 8 rounds on 1 side before switching to the other side
Focus on keeping your hips high and pushed forward so the body is in a straight line from head to toe
There is no rest between sides on top of the 10 seconds of rest following the 8th set
With some rest built in, try to hold for as much of the 20 seconds as possible